No School February 17th in observance of Presidents Day
Students will be dismissed at 1:30pm on Friday, Feb. 14th.  Teacher will  be a part of an In-Service at 1:30pm
NASP- National Archery and School Program, When Every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:10am to 7:50am for grades 4th-12th in the Elementary Mini Gym please contact Ann Geisler with any question at 605.669.2297
Our mission at Jones County School District is to create a learning environment in which every individual is empowered to reach their full potential.
Jones County students dismissed at 11:30am on January 16th & January 17th
Jones County School District Christmas Break  Dec 23-Jan 6
Jones County Parents have access to their students grades, attendance, lunch money balance right on their phone with the Campus Parent app.  Call Mrs. Valburg to get your login.
The Jones County High School Choir and 7th-12th grade band will perform at out State Capital on Dec. 9th from 12:00pm-1:00pm
Scholastic Book Fair This Week
Jones County High School presents the production "The Election" on November 25th in the Harold Thune Auditorium.  Matinee 1:30pm, evening performance  7pm.  Student ticket $4, Adult $6
Regiona volleyball in Kadoka on Tuesday, Nov 7 at 6pm central time.  Jones County vs Kadoka
Jones County Veterans Day Program - Friday, Nov 8th at 10am in the Harold Thune Auditorium
South Dakota Department of Health
Region B volleyball, Tuesday, Nov 5th 7pm central time - Jones County vs Wall.  Jones County Fans wear blue and orange
Elementary Pumpkin Costume Contest winners
Elementary Honors Choir concert will be Saturday, Nov 2nd in Sioux Falls at the Sioux Falls Convention Center Exhibit Hall 1 at 3:30pm
All-State Chorus & Orchestra - November 2nd, 7pm in Sioux Falls, SD
Jones County Elementary Pumpkin Costume Decorating Contest
Monday, Oct 14th - NO SCHOOL in Jones County for Native American Day